You have MANY options of where to spend your #SundayFunday. We are extremely grateful that you choose to spend it with us. Thank you for choosing to support the local economy, and ultimately, for choosing peace. #ShopLocal #MTPfairfax #IChoosePeace #LosAngeles

You have MANY options of where to spend your #SundayFunday. We are extremely grateful that you choose to spend it with us. Thank you for choosing to support the local economy, and ultimately, for choosing peace. #ShopLocal #MTPfairfax #IChoosePeace #LosAngeles

You have MANY options of where to spend your #SundayFunday.  We are extremely grateful that you choose to spend it with us.  Thank you for choosing to support the local economy, and ultimately, for choosing peace. #ShopLocal #MTPfairfax  #IChoosePeace #LosAngeles