06 Jun Juneteenth Celebration @ MTP!
Celebrate Juneteenth at MTP!
Sunday June 18th
Greenway Arts Alliance and The Mid City West LA Neighborhood Council are co-hosting the second annual Juneteenth community celebration at the Melrose Trading Post!
Join Greenway Arts and the Mid City West Neighborhood Council at the Melrose Trading Post for a community event celebrating Black Freedom, Resilience and Joy. We’re creating space for Black musicians, poets, authors, artists, dancers, comedians and creative small business owners to shine, celebrate, and heal together.
Stage Line-Up:
Master of Ceremony: Ayia Munns
Juneteenth Art Gallery Featured Artists:
Dana A. Greaves DanaGreavesArt.com
Devin Wesley DevinWesleyArt.com
Nicole Reynolds BreezeThroughDesigns.com
Allesa Willis AllesaWillis.com
Shaylen Nelson ArtByShaylen.com
Shannon Scates UnparalleledArt.com
Jose Zuno JoseLuisZuno.net
Bad Art Inc. BadArtInc.com
Cameron Vaughn Etsy.com/shop/CameronAbstract
Fairchild on Fairfax FairchildParis.com
Jeff Cane AnEnglishmaninLA.com
VAKSEEN Vakseenart.com
Featured Author:
Angela Shanté AngelaShante.com
Author reading her awesome children’s books “The Noisy Classroom 1 & 2″
Featured Photography Book:
Image from EBONY Publishing.
Black Hollywood: Reimagining Iconic Movie Moments by Carell Augustus
About the Black Hollywood Book Project
“Recreating scenes from movies and iconic images for my Black Hollywood Book Project coffee table book has been one of the greatest joys of my photography career. I wanted a challenge so I chose black celebrities and entertainers to help facilitate the vision.” Carell Augustus
Check out the Black Hollywood Book Project Youtube channel for multiple behind the scenes footage of the creation of this beautiful book.
Featured Comic Book Universe Creator:
Brent Trayce Sands
Impound Comics creator Brent Trayce Sands is launching his 1st anthology graphic novel on kickstarter, which includes the first 5 comics in the series.
Featured Local Businesses:
Rhinestone Master Creations RhinestoneMC.com
Nena’s Organics NenasOrganics.com
Just a Tote JustATote.com
African Charm Linktr.ee/Enoinwek
Eclectuals Book Market Eclectuals.com
Allesa Willis Art Studio AllesaWillis.com
New Heritage NewHeritageBrand.com
MC Deerwood MCDeerwood.com
Featured Organizations & Community Groups:
Eubank on Wellness
Mental wellness group, Eubank on Wellness (EOW) provides information on how to manage stress, anxiety, depression, PTSD, and other symptoms that hinder individuals from achieving their optimal level of functioning. We will provide practical coping skills and tools that can be utilized everyday. The founding members are Brittany Eubanks, Dr. Denise Ojarigi, Debora Latimer, Gwendolyn Hillard, and Gwen Wilson.
Eubank on Wellness is dedicated to strengthening mental health awareness in our community and improving the lives of our clients, by providing tailor fit holistic wellness options that encourage clients to learn to listen to their bodies.
Intermission by Cranes Studio
Intermission @ MTP
Intermission is a safe space for all to come together for a time of rest and reset via movement, sound, and conversation. Hosted by Jasmine Galindo of Cranes Studio, the beautiful healing events in the Fairfax Rotunda are held on the 4th Sundays of the month. This month’s class is on 6/25, but you can get a preview of the class on Juneteenth with yoga and sound healing.
The Academy Museum
The Academy Museum of Motion Pictures is a museum in Los Angeles, California constructed by the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences, which is devoted to the history, science, and cultural impact of the film industry. It is the first large-scale museum of its kind in the United States.
Girl Scouts for Black Lives
This organization by Makayla & Morgan Cox is providing 10 Facts that Matter about Juneteenth pamphlets, and we’re featuring a spotlight display on their Clean Up the Beach Project. Learn more about Makayla & Morgan.
Featured Food Vendors:
Combining her mom’s traditional recipe, with her own super-secret, special ingredients, Lala has created a toffee that was sweet, buttery smooth, rich and nutty.”Lala’s toffee” became all the rage with her friends and family.
This food truck is a permanent fixture at MTP, serving delicious Caribbean favorites like jerk chicken, plantains, coconut curry chickpeas and amazing fresh drinks like Sorrel Hibiscus!
Malick of Funtime Kettle Corn makes delicious hand-popped kettle corn with unique colors and flavors!
Clay developed a light, lemony and luscious dessert that will knock your socks off! He’s serving the Los Angeles area: “Living the Dream with Lemon Supreme.”
Dreamy Vegan is a premium artisanal vegan ice cream brand that crafts delicious dairy-free, gluten-free and soy-free ingredients into an enchanting delight.
Featured Roller Skaters from The Discoasis
- Kardale Holland
- Megan The Quadess
- Victoria Champayne
- Wendell Phipps
Kardale Holland
Kardale has been roller skating for three years now. He started in 2020 because of the shutdown of rinks due to the Covid 19. He surprisingly found a strong liking towards skating and became really good at it. He went to Santa Monica community college and then transferred to CSULB and earned a BA in dance. He now combines dancing and skating to create his own style. Even though he has a BA in dance, he practices and enjoys skating more. One of his dreams is to roller skate at the super bowl.
Megan the Quadess
Megan started skating in 2021 at her hometown rink in Jacksonville, FL. A move to LA in 2022 turned it from a passion shared with friends to one displayed on the world’s largest roller skating platform; Venice Beach, CA. Since then, she has appeared in performances for Disney, Chanel, and community rollerskating events. She loves incorporating different styles of dance in her skating and sharing the joy of skating with her community.
Victoria Champayne Estrada
Victoria Champayne has been skating for 20+ years. She’s appeared in commercials for Diet Coke and TurboTax, and has performed with Artists like Lizzo and Pink for the Amas. She enjoys telling a story through movement in roller skating and elevating her tricks in new ways, but most of all, she loves traveling the world with her skate friends and meeting more skaters who also share their love of roller skating.
Wendell Phipps
Wendell Phipps has been roller skating for four years. In addition to skating for the Discoasis, you have seen him share the stage with various music artists, actors, and representing some of your favorite brands. His journey with movement started over 15 years ago, with gymnastics. He’s translated his love for movement into skating more recently, and his joy for it is one of his most contagious traits. When he’s not on wheels, you can find him behind the keyboard of the piano, on the dance floor, or spending time with his loved ones.
Get your ticket for Sunday, June 18th at the Melrose Trading Post