Sponsorships & Promotional Activations
Greenway Arts Alliance has a history of supporting and collaborating with local businesses within the Fairfax Avenue and Melrose Avenue districts and beyond.
If you are looking to promote a local or national business that doesn’t sell the merchandise on our vendor lists, you are eligible for our Promotional Pop-Up Pricing.
Local businesses can choose from low-cost promotional pop-up opportunities at the market for one or more Sundays.
Larger businesses & corporations eligible for these activations for should be located in Los Angeles, should support their local community, and should follow respectful and mindful business practices.
Promotional opportunities include a space in the market and can include features on our social media and email newsletter.
If you would like to do a giveaway, please consider connecting with one or more of MTP’s vendors to supply the giveaway items (coffee, tea, donuts, boba, ice cream, etc).